

A terrific essay On Being Japanese-American

Yoko from Philadelphia recently linked back to an excellent essay she wrote back in 2003 called On Being a Japanese-American. While my background is a bit different, there was a lot that she mentioned that resonated with me, as it would I believe with anyone who has grown up in a dual-culture environment. Must reading!

Omakase, Yojimbo....Bento?? Makes sense, little sense, no sense at all.

I have stated here quite a few times (most recently) about my feelings of awkwardness (the perfect Japanese word for it would be kusuguttasa (くすぐったさ)) about the inclusion of Japanese culture into Western and/or American culture in recent years. One aspect that I don't think I've touched on is the use of Japanese phrases for American/western products. Some of these make sense, others are laughably off.

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